The Astronomer, 1668 by the Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer. Actual size: 51cm x 45 cm
An astronomer is sitting in front of a window where light comes from. Simultaneously, he is stretching out as if he is finding something. The light seems to be clues for helping him to find the truth. Maybe he is trying to communicate with the universe and God.
Based on the narrative, I think about the relationship between window and light. For the top yellow tracing paper, the left window is a traditional type. For me, it is a passive type because they just receive the light in flat surface. Therefore, I tried to push the four corners to make it become convex so that light from differentdirections can be condensed at a particular position. The shape of the window seems reaching the light in active. Through change the shape of windows, particular light directions can be achieved and rich the interior actively.
On the other hand, I considered the thinking process of astronomer. I simplified it as three steps: no idea > clues > final answer.
Therefore, after combined above two ideas, the irregular openings/windows at the top of building is formed. For the circulation, the exterior's flat and nothing surrounded is like no idea moment. After entering the interior, experience of rich light from different directions is like a person getting some clues from the sky/God. Finally, entering the dark room with only light source is like a person got a final answer. Then according to the unique light source, he followed the stiar to exit the interior through walking along the narrow path. Then he communicate with God/the universe.
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